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Common Data Set

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The Common Data Set (CDS) initiative
is a "A set of standards and definitions of data items" common to
universities. The CDS gives information on topics including
demographics, enrollment, persistence, financial aid, and degrees
conferred. The Initiative is a collaborative effort among data providers
in the higher education community and publishers as represented by the
College Board, Peterson's, and U.S. News & World Report. The
combined goal of this collaboration is to improve the quality and
accuracy of information provided to all involved in a student's
transition into higher education, as well as to reduce the reporting
burden on data providers.

Annually universities and colleges across the country prepare a
common data set using the agreed to common definitions. Common Data Set
content areas include (1) General Information, (2) Enrollment and
Persistence, (3) First-time First-Year (Freshman) Admission, (4)
Transfer Admission, (5) Academic Offerings and Policies, (6) Student
Life, (7) Annual Expenses, (8) Financial Aid, (9) Instructional Faculty
and Class Size, and (10) Degrees Conferred.