JaNeece Thacker is an academic advisor in the Education Advisement Center, McKay School of Education. She is a former public school teacher but has worked at BYU in the McKay School as an advisor since 2014. She loves working with BYU students and thoroughly enjoys helping Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education, and Special Education students navigate their university experience as they progress towards graduation and other educational and career pursuits. She believes creating meaningful connections with students is the key to being a good advisor and values the relationships she has developed with her students and colleagues in the McKay School. JaNeece holds a bachelor’s degree in special education from BYU, and a master’s degree in elementary education from Boston College. JaNeece grew up in Utah and Indiana and currently resides in Orem with her husband, Evan, and their two children, Sam and Lauren. JaNeece enjoys traveling, playing board games with her family, reading, and family movie nights.

JaNeece Thacker
Education Advisement Center, McKay School of Education
Email: janeece_thacker@byu.edu
350-G MCKB